We serve clients with ground breaking solutions
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We serve clients with ground breaking solutions
Contact usEntrepreneurship & Innovation
Driven by our belief in the potential of individuals and private sector entities to implement proactive approaches to societal and environmental challenges, ATC works with companies and pioneers through the following:
Capacity building and consulting programs:
We work with entrepreneurs that tackle societal or environmental challenges through a financially sustainable model by offering them tailored capacity building and consulting services.
Designed for entrepreneurs tackling a societal or an environmental challenge at growth phase, to reflect on the existing business and impact models and plan for growth, capitalizing on strategy and design tools, access to different consultants in various fields based on their needs.
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Designed for entrepreneurs at idea / start-up phases to build human-centered solutions and clear impact statements capitalizing on design thinking tools and exposure to market experts in different fields.
read moreImpact Management
Designed for entrepreneurs at the early / growth phase to be able to clearly articulate their priority impact areas, create a contextualized system for measuring and communicating impact and understand how this reflects on decision making and strategy.
Innovation & Youth Engagement
We have worked with private sector leaders to build the capacity of a new generation of young people and entrepreneurs equipped to address current challenges in their sectors, by thinking like designers and testing solutions through training programs and competitions, including the following:
● PepsiCo Snaks Innovation Challenge
● Tatweer Misr
● OXFAM Novib Green Innovation Award
● Google Mobile Application Launchpad
● EGBank Mint Ambassador Program
Circular Integrations & Transformations
Our current economy can be described as linear (Take, Make, Waste) which leads to the depletion of essential resources. Circular economy models are based on the idea of keeping resources in a closed system for as long as possible and, by design, eliminating waste.We work with companies and factories in different sectors to assess their value chains and challenge the status-quo by finding solutions that can help maintain resources and increase the environmental value of their products and brands.
In this sphere, we offer:
● Education/Awareness Sessions
● Practical Training Programs (for Employees and Senior Managers)
● Consulting Services and Technical Support
Gender Equity Services
ATC has a dedicated unit that advocates for a gender inclusive society with an emphasis on transforming private sector companies into more sensitized and equitable ones. Our efforts strive to level the playing field for women, challenge harmful stereotypes, and mainstream more gender sensitive practices within organizations.
Gender Audits & Assessments
● We implement a variety of international methodologies that adopt a gender lens in assessing company policies, structure, operations, and value chains, flagging gaps and highlighting opportunities.
● We provide support to companies in obtaining local and international certifications regarding gender equity, including Egyptian Gender Equity Seal (EGES) and the Women’s Empowerment Principles. the Gender Assessments help to institutionalize gender equity in the main areas of:
● Recruitment and Retention
● Career Development
● Work/Life Balance
● Safe Working Environment
The Egyptian Gender Equity Seal
● The EGES certification is provided by the National Council for Women (NCW), and aims to promote gender equality in recruitment, career development, work/life balance, and sexual harassment policies. We guide companies through all steps of the certification process, including an assessment of gender performance, and the development of a Gender Action Plan.
UN Women / UN Global Compact ‘Women’s Empowerment Principles’ (WEPs)
● This set of seven principles offer guidance to businesses on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community. Established by the UN Global Compact and UN Women, the WEPs are informed by international labor and human rights standards and grounded in the recognition that businesses have a stake in, and a responsibility for, gender equality and women’s empowerment. We provide technical support to companies in their WEPs Signatory journey, including conducting the required assessments, developing gender action plans, and amending policies and procedures to align with international best practices.
Women’s Entrepreneurship and Leadership Programs
● LEAP Entrepreneurship:
A leadership journey specifically tailored by us for women entrepreneurs that aims to bridge the gender gap in the entrepreneurship ecosystem by presenting necessary tools to grow their businesses and leap to their full potential.
●The Journey (Leadership Retreat):
A transformative retreat designed to help women in leadership roles master the art of leading themselves and others.

Sustainability Management
Our goal is to help businesses enhance and report on their sustainability management frameworks so that they can become more resilient, transparent, accountable, and stakeholder-driven.In this sphere, ATC offers:
Sustainability Management
● Sustainability management entails the consideration of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance areas into consideration when making strategic and day to day decisions. It is a management approach that helps enhance the resilience, growth and longevity of any given enterprise. Sustainability management allows companies to:
● grow, while mitigating negative risks associated with its growth
● simultaneously maximizing positive impacts that it has the potential to create.
Sustainability Strategy
● Engaging C-level executives in a series of practical workshops to co-create a tailored sustainability adoption strategy, including a value proposition, strategic priorities, and Key Performance Indicators with regards to the adoption of best Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) management practices. Our work in this sphere focuses on helping companies move towards creating shared value, strengthening its relationship with diverse stakeholders, and cementing its position as a leading organization in its sector.
Sustainability Reporting
● Sustainability Reporting creates a transparent channel of communication between an organization’s internal and external stakeholders, stimulates investor confidence leading to a likely increase in investment opportunities, and builds employee loyalty and trust. We work alongside your team on the issuance of GRI-based reports that enable your organization to:
● Identify and address both short-term and long-term ESG risks and opportunities – and track the organization’s progress in these areas.
● Lead deep-rooted transformations by pioneering best ESG practices across its portfolio and areas of operation.
● Openly communicate with its stakeholders about its current sustainability management approach and performance.